As a registered Private Training Establishment (PTE), TOPEC employs qualified teachers alongside
highly-qualified, passionate instructors (N.Z. Outdoor Instructors Association (N.Z.O.I.A.) or equivalent. to run programmes for tertiary, secondary and primary aged-children.
TOPEC's programmes for Schools are constructed using the NZ Curriculum as the foundation document.
The learning area that best encapsulates our philosophy at TOPEC is Health and Physical Education; however, the outdoors is a fantastic environmental learning platform for many other subjects.
The concepts within the learning area of Health and Physical Education include:
Attitudes and values
Socio-ecological perspectives
Health promotion
The strands that integrate the concepts include:
Personal health and physical development
Movement concepts and motor skills
Relationships with other people
Healthy communities and environments
Specifically, at TOPEC the following key areas of learning provide the vehicle for delivery of the concepts and strands:
Body care and physical safety
Physical activity
Sport studies
Outdoor Education
TOPEC promotes learners to become confident and creative, connected and actively involved. Programmes are based on core values and key competencies and are integrated with the New Zealand Curriculum achievement objectives.
Programmes include the facilitation and promotion of the following:
Key Competencies
Using language, symbols and text
Managing self
Relating to others
Participating and contributing
Innovation, inquiry and curiosity
Community and participation
Ecological sustainability/kaitiakitanga – respect and responsibility for self, for others and for the environment
The development of these competencies and values enables life-long learning. Click here to view our TOPEC scaffolded Learning Pathway​